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last modified:
05/09/2007 09:19:45 PM
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These are a collection of my most populer MIDI files (all made by Kauai Style Productions, or K. Nishimura.
There is all kinds of midi files here: Hawaiian, jazz, populer, ragtime,
oldiez, -n- a few TV themes!!
You can download or play from here, which are in the native .mid format.
If you wanna make one special order MIDI or sound, or juss' wanna
drop a line here, e-mail =
New midi releases
papalina.mid | Papa-lina lahi-lahi - hawai'ian hula classic
remember.mid | I'll Remember You - Kui Lee / Don Ho classic,
contemporary Hawaiian
moonfly.mid | Fly me to the moon - Frank Sinatra classic,
lite piano jazz
breezin.mid | Breezin' - Keoki Benson classic
whut3.mid | Name this toon #3 - Kauai Style Marching band
unanota.mid | Samba de una nota - 1 note samba '00,
bossa nova |
jinrock.mid | Jingle Bell Rock, Christmas song,
(Kauai Style version)
melechol.mid | Melencholy Babe, swing piano jazz,
1940's (Kauai Style version)
exactly.mid | Exactly like you, Benny Goodman classic,
(Kauai Style version)
iwanna.mid | I wanna be with you, Bey city rollurs,
1970's rock -n- roll
amazing.mid | Amazing Grace, religious song
gsleeve.mid | Green-sleeves, Traditional British
folk song, Christmas song
journey.mid | Sentimental Journey, BIG BAND swing
hilo.mid | Hilo March, Old Hawaiian March ver. 1.1
sandman.mid | Mr. Sandman, Song from Back to the future 01
diamond.mid | Diamond Head, 1960'z surf rock classic
alohaoe.mid | Aloha Oe, Hawaiian song by Queen
shack.mid | My little grass shack, hapa haole song
manuela.mid | Manuela Boy, Hawaiian slack key
simulation Ver. 2.0
daymake.mid | Whutta difference doez day make
titanic.mid | Love theme from "Titanic" Movie.
taboo.mid | Taboo, Arthur Lyman Classic.
1957 vintage
canttake.mid | Cant take my I'z off of you,
Disco dance music Ver. 1.0
hulablue.mid | Hula Bluez, vintage hawaiian
song Ver. 1.0
jbellz.mid | Jingle Bellz, Christmas
Song Ver. 1.0
imhawaii.mid | I am Hawai'i, Movie Theme
Song Ver. 1.01
treasure.mid | On one Treasure Island, 1935 stride piano
solo Ver. 1.0
bobblez.mid | Tiny Bubblez, Hapa Haole Raggae
Song Ver. 1.0 |
tootsie.mid | Tootsie G'bye, 1920'z stride piano
solo Ver. 1.0 |
browngal.mid | Little Brown Gal, Hapa Haole Hula
Ver. 1.0
hukilau.mid | Hukilau, Hapa Haole Hula
Ver. 1.0
beyond.mid | Beyond The Reef, Hapa Haole Slow Song
Ver. 1.01 |
hulahand.mid | Lovely Hula Handz, Hapa Haole Hula
tickle.mid | Tiko-tiko, Latino classic
whut2.mid | Name this toon #2
warchant.mid | Hawaiian War Chant, "Kauai Style" band!
ben.mid | Ben, a Michael Jackson classic
pmasen.mid | Perry Masen, Vintage t.v. show theme song
carioca.mid | Carioca, latino Big Band ensemble
(rhumba beat) |
t42.mid | Tea for two, jazz stride piano
solo |
hanahano.mid | Hano-hano Hanalei, Traditionel Hawaiian
song |
hanalei.mid | Hanalei Moon, Hawaiian piano solo
tenderly.mid | Tenderly, 1940'z jazz piano solo
whitxmas.mid | I dreaming of one White Christmas
melekali.mid | Mele Kalikimaka, Hawaiian Christmas song
wallst.mid | Wall St. Rag - Herb Alpert + TJB classic
jeopardy.mid | Whut is Jeopardy? TV theme.
bumble.mid |
Flite of the bumble bee - boogie woogie style |
sleyride.mid |
Sley-ride - Leroy Anderson Christmas classic |
hialoha.mid |
Hawai'i Aloha -modern dey "goodbye" song |
paauau.mid |
Paauau Waltz - Classical Hawaiian waltz |
watch.mid | Watch whut happenz, jazz bossa nova, swing
honolulu.mid | Honolulu, old hawaiian song with a good beat
kanaka.mid | Kanaka wai-wai,
Hawaiian gospel song |
pualilia.mid | Pua Lilia, hawaiian piano
solo |
noalike.mid | Ua no a like', hawaiian piano
solo |
hawnwedd.mid | Hawaiian Wedding song, hawaiian piano
solo |
waikiki.mid | Waikiki, one hapa-haole piano solo |
leialoha.mid | Lei aloha makamae, hawaiian piano
solo |
Previously released midi filez
albundy.mid | Theme frum the Al Bundy show. |
apocalpz.mid | Apocalypse des animaux, new age MIDI
file. |
brazil.mid | samba MIDI file. |
bethere.mid |
I'll be there, populer
MIDI file, michael jackson classic. (also redone by maria carey) |
canadian.mid | Canadian Caperz, rag-time piano solo
chacha1.mid | Latino cha-cha song (do you
recognize it?) |
chopstix.mid | made populer in the movie "BIG" |
cristofi.mid | Cristofori'z dream, new age MIDI
file. |
frenesi.mid | Big band MIDI file, 1 of my first. |
funkyton.mid | Funkytown, dance music frum the
80'z. |
hotnsoul.mid | Heart -n- soul.
Up-dated - 05/01/00 - ver 1.5
ikona.mid | a hawaiian classic by the Ka'apana
bruddah'z |
kitten.mid | Kitten on the keyz, ragtime
piano |
mapuana.mid | Mapuana, old hawaiian song |
noblame.mid | No blame me |
nola.mid | Nola, Re-released version (2.0), rag-time music
norun.mid | Walk, no
run, surf-rock classic |
on1video.mid | On one video, techno-rock |
samblero.mid | Sambalero, bossa nova jazz |
serenade.mid | Moonlite serenade |
somuch.mid | So much in love |
sukiyaki.mid | Sukiyaki, japaneze song |
summer.mid | Summer samba, bossa nova |
sumplace.mid | Theme from one summer place -
Up-dated 05/02/00 - ver. 1.3
take1bow.mid | recent song singed by Madonna |
twilitez.mid | Twilite zone, techno-rock |
whutthis.mid |
Can you name this toon? e-mail me if you know! |
work.mid | The work song (Herb Alpert + TJB) |
yelbrick.mid | G'bye Yellow brick road |
This is a picture of me, taken in feb. 04, 2006
in east waikiki, HI.
As you can see, I'ma one local boy,
borned here in the Hawai'ian islands, also known as the
Kingdom of Hawai'i. Now I live in this little town called Hillsboro, Oregon which
is 12 milez west of downtown Portland, Oregon.
Statistical analysis
Visitors to this page since may 09, 2007

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